Find here all the necessary information you need to know how and where to take a shuttle bus within Iceland's capital city, Reykjavík. There are currently 14 conveniently located shuttle bus stops, all located close to the main hotel and tourist areas of Reykjavík so that all visitors and travelers can easily find and take a bus transfer to their preferred destination.
It is important to understand how and where are the shuttle bus stops in Reykjavík operate so that you do not miss the transportation to your tour or trip.
Please read the steps below to understand which bus stop you must be waiting at and see the interactive map below to see all of the tourist bus stops in Reykjavík.
Where is MY shuttle bus stop?
There are 14 bus stops in Reykjavík, purposely positioned so that they do not require more than a 5-10 minutes walk from most hotels and accommodations. Here we give you all the necessary information you need to know which bus stop to use and how to find the right bus stop in Reykjavík:
1. Select the tour, ticket or trip you wish to take.
2. Under pick-up options, select your hotel or accommodation.* (shuttle bus may be an additional service**)
3. Take note of the bus stop listed for you specific hotel (if none listed, your hotel is the pick-up point). The appropriate bus stop will also be listed on your ticket.
4. On the day of the trip or tour be waiting, with ticket in hand, at the bus stop or OUTSIDE the hotel at least 30 minutes before the indicated time.***
*If your hotel is not listed, then please select the closest hotel or tourist bus stop.
**Transportation is not always included in the price of the tour or trip. If it is not included, it is highly recommended that you add this service for you convenience and to save you time on the day of the tour..
***The shuttle buses and tourist vehicles are not allowed to wait for passengers, do not enter hotels and do not take roll call at each bus stop.

Bus Stop 2: Tjörnin (The Pond). Address: Lækjargata by Mæðragarður.
Bus Stop 3: Laekjargata. Address: Lækjargata 4.
Bus Stop 4: Miðbakki. Address: Parking lot by Geirsgata.
Bus Stop 5: Harpa. Address: Austurbakki 2.
Bus Stop 6: Safnahúsid (The Culture House). Address: Hverfisgata 15.
Bus Stop 7: Tradarkot. Address: Hverfisgata 20.
Bus Stop 8: Hallgrímskirkja. Address: Eiríksgata.
Bus Stop 9: Snorrabraut. Address: Snorrabraut 24.
Bus Stop 10: Hlemmur. Address: Laugarvegur 105.
Bus Stop 11: Austurbaer. Address: Snorrabraut 37.
Bus Stop 12: Höfdatorg. Address: Þórunnartún 1.
Bus Stop 13: Raudarárstígur. Address: Laugarvegur 120.
Bus Stop 14: Skulagata, Address: Klapparstígur 5.
IMPORTANT: It is possible that certain bus stops are closed occasionally. Please double check that your bus stop is currently operating.
General information about pickups for excursions and tours from Reykjavík
In 2017 the Icelandic government set out to improve the flow of traffic in Reykjavík by banning all tourist vans, buses and minibuses. Instead, they implemented a tourist bus route which contains 14 permanent bus stops in and around the center of Reykjavík. These shuttle bus stops are specifically mapped out so that there is no more than a 5-10 walk between a guest's accommodation and the assigned bus stop. Each bus stop corresponds to a specific number (#1-14) and a specific address.
Please keep in mind that all of the tour companies collect their guests from the different bus stops, so there are many buses passing through often. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the minivan/minibus/tour bus provider for your particular tour.
Your confirmation ticket for your chosen tour or excursion will contain the information necessary to arrive at the correct bus stop at the correct time. Review that information:
1. Name and location of the bus stop.
2. Name of the transportation agency (different than the travel agency).
3. Time of the pickup (you MUST arrive 30 minutes before this time).
At the bus stop, you must be attentive and be looking for your particular bus/minibus for your excursion or trip, as there is no one who will be calling your name or waiting for you if you are late.
Note: If transportation is not included in the chosen tour or excursion, but is offered as an extra service, we recommend that you include it. Also, please be aware that the weather in Iceland can change often and it can be very cold, and it is possible that your accommodation is quite far from the bus stop that you will be picked up from, especially in the winter or at night. However, if you are young and you can orientate yourself well in the city, then it is possible to find your own way to the BSÍ bus terminal.
You can see where to find the bus stop here in this map, or consult Google maps or this site from the Icelandic government to show you how to arrive at the appropriate bus stop. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us and we will gladly help you locate your bus stop.

Important: It is the responsibility of each passenger to arrive to the shuttle bus stop which was either indicated by the tour company on the tour ticket or which was chosen by them at the appropriate time. Drivers will not and cannot wait for passengers, so people must arrive at least 30 minutes before the indicated time on their ticket. There are no refunds or reimbursements for trips or tours that are missed due to arriving late to the indicated bus stop. ID740